Video Conference System
A video conference (known as a video teleconference) between two or more people distributed geographically though the internet network to transmit audio and video data for the purpose of communication and collaboration in real time. we can know that Video Conferencing includes point-to-point and multipoint videoconferencing system. point-point refers to a Direct connection between includes Participants. It works much like a video telephone call. each Participants Need a Video Conferencing Software, Computer with Webcam and Microphone Speaker equipped, and a fast Internet connection. Multipoint allow three or more locations to be involved in the same virtual video meeting at the same time, just as if they were talking to each other face to face. Similarly, each Party in deferent locations, so that a video conference can be conducted through the Internet.
Advantage of Video Conference system:
- Saves Travel Costs.
- It avoids the Participants having to spend time travelling to meet each other.
- The Participants in deferent locations are able to work on the same Electronic Documents.